Establishing a national trail network — Tracks and Trails Hui

16 Nov 2023, 11:45am–1:00pm NZDT

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Tēnā koutou,

Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa, the Outdoor Access Commission, warmly invites you to our next Tracks and Trails Hui on Thursday, 16 November, starting at noon. The Zoom link will be open from 11.45 am for introductions, so please do join us if you have time.

Topic: Establishing a national trail network.

Ally Davey (Ride Coromandel) and KJ Jennings (Southern Eco Trails Trust) will talk about what trail-building groups could achieve if we form a national body to support each other and advocate for our shared needs.

They will outline some of the issues such a group will need to consider, such as developing a governance model and regional alliances, securing funding to support members, sharing information between members, and establishing a high-level collaborative relationship with DOC and other ministries and national stakeholders. They will share information on examples from around the world. Join this discussion if you want to be part of a community that collaborates and shares to support each other.

Please pass on this invite to those who might be interested.

We look forward to getting trail groups to present their on-the-ground knowledge in future meetings. If you have an idea for a topic, please let me know. I will work with you to present it to the other hui attendees.

Ngā mihi

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Bookings for this event have now closed.

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